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Our Patience Will Achieve More Than Our Force

A Message From Ed Mother putting mask on daughter.

September marks the sixth month we have been dealing with the pandemic, and though we had perhaps hoped things would be different by now, COVID is still actively shaping and influencing our lives. Many of the comforts we enjoyed when 2020 began are still on hold and our lives are still far more complicated and challenging.

With Labor Day marking the unofficial end of summer and the start of a very different school year, the weight of the situation may become greater. But there is also some very encouraging information that should not be overlooked. Maryland’s coronavirus numbers look better than they did several weeks ago and have, as Governor Hogan recently said, “dramatically improved”, when he announced the state could safely enter Stage 3 of the reopening plan. When you consider how far we’ve come and the hardships we’ve endured, the situation today is decidedly better than what we experienced in the spring.

But the progress we’ve made has only come about because of a calm, steady, and vigilant approach. I have been inspired by the continued optimism of so many people in recent months and how we’ve supported our friends and neighbors. Though we are sure to face more challenges ahead, I’m certain that the patience, hope and grace we’ve shown will guide us through whatever may come. As the late Irish philosopher Edmund Burke once said, “our patience will achieve more than our force.”


Let's Talk